OK, this cannot be ignored. Enough with the #PrayForAmazonia postings, and the '7 things you can do to help the Amazon'. Doesn't this all seem obsolete when one of the world's most precious areas of natural abundance and biodiversity is up in violent flames? In case you've missed it, Spain is also experiencing the impact of climate change as parts of Madrid went underwater with flash floods and piles of hail covering its streets. Yes, that is hail, as in ice, in August, the country's hottest month. If you think that's scary, Lake Chad in sub-Saharan Africa has been evaporated and absorbed to one-tenth of its original size, PM Modi took a hike with Bear Grills and preached for the Indian people to respect nature while his government turned down a mere 1 percent of plans from polluting industries, and meanwhile our world leaders gathered at the G7 summit to, well, discuss 'things'. It's not looking good people. Our addiction to destroying the planet for our own good is quite literally going to be the end of us if we do not take serious action. So yes tweet if it pleases you, and engage in heated debates with your peers if that's what makes you feel 'active' – if you do, don't get distracted by cynical smart-assing whether the Amazon rain forests actually are or are not the lungs of Earth. The ecosystem of our global habitat is too complex to fit into a tweet or two. But the bottom line is that we need to drastically shift our habits, our desires and what we consider our comfort in order for our planet to see another millennium. Despite our inherent brutality we humans do have the ability to live responsibly and act with respect, otherwise how would have humanity been surviving since millions of years on planet Earth? Welcome back to FairPlanet's weekly roundup. This is a reality check dear readers, and we are no longer going to sugar coat it. Read. Debate: Engage. |