spacerThe Roundupspacer

The world is in uproar as we scream: black lives matter. They always have

Over the past few weeks America, and in turn the rest of the world, has been in pain. Following the death of George Floyd, a black man murdered in broad daylight by four Minneapolis policemen for allegedly handling counterfeit 20 dollar bills, U.S. citizens were in an uproar. How can it be that yet another black life has been taken in the hands of those who are meant to serve us? How can it be that neither of the four men has been charged with first-degree manslaughter? The answer, which hurts to the very core, is because in the U.S. and around the world too, from Europe to South America, black lives are since centuries and still treated as though they are lesser.

Welcome back to FairPlanet's weekly roundup. We have jumped from a global pandemic that has disproportionately impacted black and minority lives to yet another cry that we all wake up to the reality and begin to truly make a change. Change how we think. Change what we teach. Change our legal and health systems. And always, Read, Debate: Engage.

The Good

There is Global Solidarity

After the protests, which began in Minneapolis, have spread to hundreds of cities across the US, mass gatherings have evolved to show solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movement across all continents.

global map of black lives matter protests june 2020
Source: Al Jazeera

North America

Protesters have gathered in cities across Canada and in Mexico's capital, Mexico City waving placards with the words "No justice! No peace!", "I can't breathe" and "Black lives matter".

South America

Protesters took to the streets of Brazil's second-largest city Rio de Janerio and Argentina's capital, Buenos Aires.


Protests across several European cities, including Berlin, London, Paris and Amsterdam have been showing solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movement.

The European Union stated it was "shocked and appalled" by the death of Floyd, calling it "an abuse of power" and warned against further excessive use of force.


Protests were held in Nigeria, Kenya and Zimbabwe.

The African Union issued a strongly worded statement condemning the killing of Floyd.


Rallies were held in several cities across Australia and New Zealand.

Middle East

Gatherings in Tel Aviv, Haifa and East Jerusalem demanded "Justice for George" and "Justice for Eyad" an unarmed, autistic Palestinian man killed by Israeli police.

Even in the war-torn province of Idlib in Syria artists painted a mural to honour George Floyd and to protest racism.

syrian artists black lives matter
Mural by Syrian artists Aziz Asmar and Anis Hamdoun in the Syrian Province of Idlib
The Bad
george floyd ceremony

White Ignorance Is Violence

The Black Lives Matter movement has seen millions come together in unity and solidarity, from all backgrounds and ethnicities, with a relatively large backing from white people. Yet, still too many remain silent, let alone those who don't (or don't want to) understand that racism is a precondition of white privilege.

"How much time do you want for your progress?"

For 400 years, systemic racism has been deeply embedded in American history. White people's freedom, opportunities and wealth have been built on the back of African Americans.

There have never been reconciliation, nor reparation. White Americans owe African Americans. White people need to recognise their responsibility to act, because it's their moral duty, and because black people, of course, cannot overcome racism on their own.

James Baldwin asked "What is it you want myself to reconcile to?" and continued "I was born here and I'm almost 60 years old, I won't live another 60 years. It's taken my father's time, it's taken my mother's time, my brothers' and sisters' time. How much time do you want for YOUR "progress"?"

"Take me out of it!"

Or to say it in Toni Morrison's words: "If you can only be tall because somebody is on their knees, then you have a serious problem. My feeling is white people have a very, very serious problem, and they should start thinking about what THEY can do about it. Take ME out it!"

White people need to acknowledge their privilege and understand that you don't need to be a racist to uphold a racist system – but you do that just by not being against it.

The movement and the coming together of hundreds of thousands of people have proven that our voices can be heard if we stop being complicit to the reality around us. This is not only a black or brown person's fight.

If you value human life, dignity for all and equality, then you too must go out to protest, write your local representative, if you can, donate to organisations helping. Speak out to your family, your friends.


Donate to end systemic racism and empower people of colour

by Yair Oded

Check out this list of organisations working to end systemic racism and police brutality and empower black communities. Even a small donation can help!
On Racism
we cant breath george floyd

The BLM protests offer the world a moment of hope

by Gurmeet Singh

The Black Lives Matter protests in the U.S. have enabled people to speak about systemic racism in their own countries.

The Black Lives Matter protests in Brazil

by Ellen Nemitz

What does Brazil and the United States of America have in common?

Calls to defund police grow in the U.S.

by Yair Oded

The murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis police custody sparked a wave of protests against systemic racism and calls to defund the police.

"White supremacy is an experience of ignorance"

by Neelo Aysha Scholz

FairPlanet recently spoke with New Zealand academic, Rachel Jane Liebert, whose letter to her home country a day after the Christchurch attacks caught our attention. In it, she pleads with New Zealand to take this opportunity to wake up to their colonial DNA. Liebert uncoils the cord between colonialism and white supremacy.

Beyond Slavery

Slavery has had the biggest and most devastating impact on especially Africa and altered global politics and relations.
Country focus

The United States of America, spanning from West coast to East coast of North America is the world's strongest economy with the strongest military power. But beyond its grip on political and economic affairs, the U.S. has one, if not the most, powerful culture machines on Earth, spanning across pop-culture, cinema, music and Television.

With a population of 327 million people, across 50 States, the U.S. struggles with its vast inequality despite immense wealth. Public health is still a concept far away from reality for millions of Americans and gross incarceration prevails – it is estimated that more than 2.9 million citizens are currently locked behind bars, the world's highest rate.

2019 marked the 400 year anniversary of the beginning of the transatlantic slave trade, which caused both the immense abuse and suffering of millions of African people, and the unpaid source of America's wealth creation on the back of its slaves.

From the founding of the United States to the abolition of slavery, the Jim Crow laws to the ongoing mass incarceration of Black citizens, racism and structural discrimination prevails and no reparations for slavery have been paid as of today.

With a two-party political system, the left-leaning Democrats and the right-leaning Republicans, and an outdated electoral system, the U.S. is currently battling to preserve its democracy, with extreme right gaining more power and international interference becoming a growing issue.