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End the War on Drugs!

November 08, 2012
tags:#Colorado, #drugs, #Marijuana, #Oregon, #referendum, #USA, #war
by:Jonathan Lutes
In this Tuesday’s U.S. elections, three states – Colorado, Washington and Oregon – have voted on referenda to decriminalize marijuana.

As Op-Ed contributor Ioan Grillo pointed out earlier this week, although any referendum that passes would face legal battles in court, both the federal government and the U.N. would be forced to address their utterly ineffective War on Drugs. Grillo’s argument for legalizing marijuana focuses on the profits and brutality of Latin American drug cartels that have presided over tens of thousands of murders while earning an estimated $1 trillion over the last 30 years by selling drugs to Americans. Petition to end the War on Drugs. Find out more on how people in Zimbabwe are discovering cheap ways to get high

Article written by:
Jonathan Lutes